HAPPY JULY YALL, This month is coming in with a BANG. I don't even need 4th of July fireworks, God is bringing his own. To be honest its been a push and pull to get here. Like to hear it , here it go! I Was Growing But Not GoingOf course i do me best to be honest, process and share. Sometimes its a bit complicated, however i wont make any excuses. This Coach K situation has been present for more than a year now. Was i fully leaning into NOPE. Was i making myself available for the people God needs me to serve. NOPE! I was experiencing feelings of doubt. Some imposter syndrome. Straight up fear. Let's call out laziness as well as AVOIDANCE. Take OwnershipAs we are ALL ... i said all.... taking ownership of the shift, we will have to pull down thoughts and barriers to progressing in our God call. We're going through this because we're graced for this. I say it all the time , yet there is a point where we must move into action!
Grieve , Grow & Go!Let's talk about this thing. I am officially in GO MODE! If the urge on you to move is present, this is for you. #buildersARISE JOIN ME TOMORROW AT NOON. @KINGDOMADVOCATE Youtube LYB |
If you’re growing through grief and ready to build what helped you heal this content is for you. We own our wellness journey personally, relationally and professionally.
Hey Hey Builder, If you were in the room for Ready, Set, Network, then you already know—clarity was unlocked, connections were made, and builders were activated. We didn’t just gather—we aligned.We didn’t just dream—we took steps.We didn’t just talk vision—we received strategy. One of the most powerful parts of our time together was the prophetic journaling—disciplining our ears to hear what God is saying and instructing us to do next in our businesses. That’s exactly why this quarter’s theme...
Taking It Back Kenitra Mozelle Hey GFT Family, This weeks journey with Taking It Back as a focus has more than delivered. Each day of prayer truly set new revelation behind our wellness work ABLAZE! If you missed any of those days I URGE you to watch the replay. On Wednesday, the Wellness Work Broadcast emphasized Growing Through Grief and how to reclaim our peace through understanding, processing, and healing. Here are the three major takeaways from this weeks Wellness Work! Feel it: Grief...
Happy New Year Family. We have officially crossed over into our next! Did You Hear? Look uh hear! Look a here! LMBO. Is it possible to be deep breathing and giggling at the same time. IT SURE IS! We dropped some big announcements along with our New Years Day WWW Broadcast. As you can see above this is changing for the better. I realize that thing keeps growing and its stretching Me in the best ways. In 2023 GFT start out as a space to help women own their wellness. In 2024 we started helping...